90 Dating Get To Know You Questions: Ditch The Small Talk

Dating Get To Know You Questions

The dating process gives you the chance to get to know each other and assess compatibility.  How do you get to know someone you’re dating better? Simple. Ask the right dating get-to-know-you questions. Dating questions can range from light to deep and fun to more serious questions. An example of a light question is, “What … Read more

How to Flirt on Tinder?

How to flirt on Tinder

Matched with a person you like on Tinder but don’t know where to start? Trust me; we’ve all been there. While you may be a pro at flirting in the real world, flirting online is a whole new arena. Engaging in a flirty conversation with your Tinder match is a great way to get to … Read more

What Is Catfishing? Its Evolution, Signs, and Motives

what is catfishing

Falling in love is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. Our natural lie detectors may not be at their best when we start feeling that high after meeting someone new who has us fantasizing about a future together.  Instead of rational thinking, the butterflies and goofy giggles take over. While that feeling can be … Read more

Double Dating Meaning: How the Term Has Evolved

Double Dating Meaning

Your phone starts buzzing like crazy. When you check to see who it is, you’re surprised to read a barrage of upset messages from your best friend.  Some guy she’s been seeing has been double dating her.  Hmmm. There must be something you’re missing here because, at first glance, you think, what’s the harm in … Read more

What Does “Dating Exclusively” Mean? Taking The Next Step

dating exclusively meaning

A question that we frequently wonder about when we start dating someone is, “Are we exclusive?”  If you’ve just started dating someone, having the “relationship talk” can be nerve-racking and even downright scary. In this article, we’re going to answer all your burning questions about dating exclusively and help you figure out how to take … Read more

Does Dating Help You Move On?

Does Dating Help You Move On

There’s a myth: “the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” In other words, if you want to get over your ex, you need to date someone else.  But really, can dating help you move on? One of the many things people say when someone is experiencing heartbreak is, “You … Read more