Does Online Dating Work for Over 50s?

does online dating work for over 50s

The dating world can be intimidating for everyone. The intimidation factor becomes even more prominent when crossing a certain age barrier. As a 50-year-old relatively new to online dating, you’d have a negative impression of online dating. You would probably have heard horror stories of first dates gone wrong and people coming across potentially dangerous … Read more

Should You Lower Your Expectations When Dating?

Should You Lower Your Expectations When Dating

If you’re dating and have compared your expectations to those of your friends, you might have noticed a steep discrepancy. This is normal because different people have different expectations.  But without knowing what healthy expectations are, you might expect too much and be disappointed, or expect too little and get exploited.  In this article, we … Read more

Gemini Dating Cancer: Are They Compatible?

Gemini Dating Cancer: Are They Compatible?

While Gemini is outgoing and prefers to spend their time socializing and trying new things, Cancer is the Zodiac’s most reserved person who likes to have a laid-back weekend in the house. These two are close to each other on the Zodiac wheel but are as different as day and night in terms of personality … Read more

Best Ghosting Responses For Every Mood

best ghosting responses

It’s happened; the disappearance act you dreaded, but always knew was a possibility.  After all, it’s become so normalized in modern dating. But you really liked this person. You’d met, shared a couple of dates, and even made plans for another.  And then POOF.  Just like that, you’ve been ghosted. You’re hurt, confused, angry. All … Read more

Casual Fling Meaning: Plus Everything You Need To Know

Casual Fling Meaning and Everything Theres To Know

Sick of going to all the parties alone? A casual fling can be your plus one without involving any relationship drama. Stepping into a relationship looks so exciting at first. But the drama that comes soon after is not worth it. This is exactly why most people prefer having a casual fling! It’s the best … Read more