Do dating apps work for guys?

Do dating apps work for guys?

Very often, you might be at a point where your goal was to find someone, but instead of finding your better half, all you’re getting from using dating apps is frustration. Let’s get real: that happens to almost everyone until they figure out what to do to make it work for them. So, how does … Read more

The Best 7 Dating Sites for Marriage Only

The Best 7 Dating Sites for Marriage Only

Online dating is a convenient approach if you have a busy life. However, looking for marriage prospects on dating sites can be a marriage-only affair. Dating sites have a variety of people with distinct needs. Some want a casual fling, and others might want a serious relationship that can lead to marriage. So, finding dating … Read more

The Best 9 Long Distance Dating Sites

The Best 9 Long Distance Dating Sites

Can’t find the right love match in your city? No big deal. The globe is your limit, and the heart knows no boundaries.  There are so many beautiful places and online sites like eHarmony to find love, INTERNATIONALLY!  Find a sincere, trusted partner who’s willing to cross the oceans for you from far and wide. … Read more

Best Dating Sites for People in Their 30’s

Best Dating Sites for People in Their 30’s

Dating in your 30s is an endless labyrinth of dating apps. The hours spent searching for a good match online and in real life can feel like a drag. Bad dates can kill your morale, and you eventually lose hope and accept the single life. If you are facing a similar situation in your 30s, … Read more

What Is The Point Of Casual Dating?

What Is The Point Of Casual Dating

I hear people saying they are in casual relationships or they are looking for something casual.  This begs the question: what is the point of casual dating? Usually, people look for something serious, hopefully, a life-term commitment. Something “casual” is far from that, so why would someone opt for it? Well, there are different reasons … Read more

What Does Dating Mean to a Guy?

What Does Dating Mean to a Guy?

If you are looking to settle down with someone, perhaps even start a family, you cannot jump into a relationship right away. You have to assess who Mr. Right is, which is why you go on dates. But is it the same for a guy? Knowing what dating means to a guy is the key … Read more

Why Casual Dating is Good and How You Can Enjoy It

Why Casual Dating is Good and How You Can Enjoy It

Have you tried casual dating? Dating doesn’t necessarily mean looking for a spouse or a serious commitment. Some people date for fun, to enjoy the company and the thrill of it. That’s where casual dating comes in. For those not ready to settle down or commit to someone, casual dating may be a good option. … Read more

27 Best Dating Ideas Near Me That Will Impress Your Date

27 Best Dating Ideas Near Me That Will Impress Your Date

If your first date with a special someone is just a few days away, chances are you’ve been racking your brain for some crazy ideas to spend the big day.  The first date is make-or-break. And a good date sets a precedent for a lifetime of memories.  However nerve-wracking it may be, first dates are … Read more

Why Does Online Dating Work?

Why Does Online Dating Work

Have you ever had a date with someone you met online? You might be thinking, “Online dating is for weirdos!”  But seriously, don’t knock it ’til you try it’. Yes, there are some weirdos out there on dating sites, but if you’re careful and smart about it, online dating can be an incredible tool for … Read more